There are a number of reasons why you can't change or verify your phone number on LamboPlace:-
1. Your phone number is already in used
You might have had another account with us before. If you get a message saying that your phone number is already linked to another account while registering your number, choose to log in to your already existing account rather than creating a new one. Do try to recall the password and log in to the other account. If you have forgotten your password, learn how to reset your password by following this link:
2. One Account, One Phone Number rules
A phone number can only be registered under ONE LamboPlace account (same goes for email addresses).
3. Your phone number is incorrect or was recycled
Please make sure the phone number has no special characters, no spaces, and with country code(e.g +60).
In some rare cases, phone numbers may be recycled by service providers, it is possible that your phone number previously belonged to someone else but it does not mean that the previous owner has any access to the LamboPlace account linked to your phone number, it only means that outdated information still exists in our system.
Do contact us at for further assistance with the below information:
- 1. Old & New phone number
- 2. Proof of ownership to the new phone number, screenshot from your Service Provider’s application page OR a clear photo of your phone bill payment (whereby your name and phone number are visible).
- 3. If you are using a prepaid number, you can provide a photo of your e-statement (whereby your name and phone number are visible) accessible through your prepaid mobile app or walk in to request from your mobile provider.
Have queries? Drop us an email at ,we'd be happy to help.