Purchasing Date | |
Order # |
Refund Amount (MYR) |
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MyKad / Passport Number | |
Contact Number | |
Email Address |
REASON FOR REFUND kindly provide a detailed explanation of your request. |
LamboPlace Refund Policy |
1. Please take note that the return item(s) needs to be returned to our vendor within fourteen (14) calendar days. 2. LamboPlace reserves the rights to withhold any refunds if your original item have not reached our vendor.3. Customers are required to return the item(s) via Standard Courier. 4. An evaluation process may take 2 -3 business days or more, depending on case-by-case basis. 5. A refund process is successful after item has undergone an evaluation process by the dispute team. 6. Customers will be notified by email / SMS / app alerts once the evaluation is completed. 7. As of 1st September 2021, all requests for refunds will be deposit into LamboPay eWallet only. 8. Voucher codes cannot be re-issued and are non-refundable. If you return an item which was purchased using a voucher code, only the final paid price (after discount) will be refunded via LamboPay eWallet. 9. Any refunded amount that is used on a new order (including exchange orders), can only be refunded as LamboPay eWallet. |
[ ] I hereby that I have read and agree to the Refund Policy from LamboPlace and I confirmed all the details I've entered are correct.
Customer Care @ LamboPlace
Received By: Accounts Department | |
Refund Date | |
Vendor ID | |
Authorized By: Fulfillment Team |
Version: Sept 2021